Tuesday, September 2, 2008

CHAMP BAILY ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to a football game in Phoenix on Friday. My dad,kyle,kj,and i had a hotel room right next to the stadium! We had an awesome view of the stadium! I got blue hair gel for my Mohawk and it turned it blue! The stadium that we went to was the most expensive to build. We went to the game and my dad said that we were going to be at the top in the very back row. Then we sat down behind champ bailey and boss bailey!!! We watched the awesome game and Dominic Foxworth, Champ Bailey, and Brandon Marshall all said hi to us. At the end of the game Champ Bailey walked behind the bench where all of the players were sitting and signed his hat and then took it off and gave it to ME! Then Dominic Foxworth came behind the bench like Champ Bailey did and took off his gloves,stuck them together,and gave them to kjirsten. It was the best football game ever and it was even my first NFL game ever and that happened! I will never forget it! When we got back to our hotel my dad told us that we were going to get the hat and the gloves framed in two separate cases. They are going to go on the opposite sides of our theater that we are going to build. I have my hat in my room sitting on my dresser and Kj has her gloves on her vanity. It was the best day of my life!!


Tanner's ninja years said...

Hey Tanner!
Broncos are super cool! I'm glad you had such a good time, remember to thank your Dad for taking you guys. Also, for the two people who voted that T-man cut off his mowhawk, get a life!

**brighteyes** said...

i am glad that you had fun too!!! your mohawk looked awesome!

Rocky Rodens said...

Sounds like you guys had an awesome time-that is so cool he gave you his hat.
We miss you T-man
Auntie Bonnie

Tanner's ninja years said...

when are you guys gonna come visit? love, tanner

Cicely said...

that seems like ti was really fun! You should update your blog again. You could do it on school. love, Cicely :)

**brighteyes** said...

do you totally love your music on your blog?