Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I went camping and it was really fun. The first day, me and all of my sisters were walking to Hawley lake when I saw a bull. It was walking towards us so we started walking away from it. Then, it started going faster so we started to run as fast as we could back to the trailor. Then, we found out that the water heater in the trailor was broken so we had no water. Then the next day, we went back to the lade and caught some more crawdads while dad and Alycia went to rent a boat. As soon as they got there, we went on the boat for about an hour before we got tired of it and went back to the shore to catch crawdads. We caught 31 BIG crawdads and went back, cooked them up, then we ate them. Then, we went to the steak house to have lunch but they didn't serve it at the time so we had to wait in the car until it was time for dinner. While we were waiting, Cicely, Mom, and Kj went out around town to go shopping. Then, after a LONG wait, we went in and finally got our dinner! I ate 3 ribs before anyone ate 1. Then, we went to a bunch of stores to get stuff for the trailor. I got a small shovel to dig holes. I dug a hole and that night, it rained. my hole was like a tiny little lake. the next day we made a fire. we roasted hot dogs with the sticks that I widdled then the fire started to explode because there was shale in it. I met a friend named Haley and her big sister was named Cassidy and she was Cicely and Alycia's friend. We met their dog and played tag out in this huge field and while we were playing tag, their dog started running really fast and it was funny. That night, I went to bed with Kyle while the rest of the family finished our 1000 piece puzzle. It looked cool. In the morning, mom and dad packed up while we went and caught some crawdads. When we got back, the trailor was ready to go so we said bye to all of our friends and left. I want to go back up again, it was really fun!

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