Wednesday, October 15, 2008

the lizards

Well we just caught lizards. Actually, I caught some lizards. Actually, 2 lizards. Then we went to the storage and got a cage for them and then we put them in there. They smelled really bad so then we slept in there with them in the morning we didnt notice that they smelled bad until it acually started to smell so bad that we shut the door of my room. Well, the next day I did some school then we planned on cleaning their cage so we took the cage outside and moved them into a plastic container and took out all their stuff and washed the inside of the cage really well. Then we put all the rocks and logs and food bowls back in and put the lizards back. It smells much better now! Yesterday we went to Petco and got a heat lamp for them and got some food and a food dish to put in their aquarium. I named them Chocolate and Peanut Butter because they are both kinda the color of that food. We read about them online and found out that they are both girls. So now we want to catch a boy so we can have little lizards. They can each lay 2-16 eggs! My Mom doesn't want little lizards, or any lizard in the house. I'm glad I finally got a pet and I will post pics of them soon!


Amy said...

Hey Tanman,
That is a really bright color you've put on your blog page, you may want to tone that down a bit. Don't worry about people not commenting on your blog because I love you and that's all you need! Cheer up Charlie, don't even frown and turn that frown upside down and smile that frown away!
Love you always,

Cicely said...

hey tanner! well i love the new color! you should look at myh that's bright! okay well i think that we should clean out the cage soon. love, cicely :) :) :) :)

Elliot Collins said...

Hey, that was great staying up to watch Jay Cutler mess up the Browns. Before you were born, Elway used to do the same thing. The whole team would suck and John would mess the Browns up by himself. That was great fun silent cheering with you. Well, time to do chores before the BYU game. Go, cougars!!!!

Darrell said...

Tanner is the best QB in the Collins family, almost as good as grandpa Darrell.